Lightness of the system
THE RENOLIT ALKORSOLAR system is light because there is no extra ballast on the roof necessary to keep the solar panels on the roof. The weight of the system will differ according the choice from the solar element and the aluminum construction. In the most of cases the solar installation will not exceed 15 the kg/m².
When installing galvanized or laminated plates with amorphous solar cells only 4 kg/m ² has to be foreseen.
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RENOLIT (UK) Cramlington Ltd
Station Road, Cramlington, Northumberland NE23 8AQ - United Kingdom T +44 1670 718283 - F +44 1670 590096 - Other countries: RENOLIT Belgium N.V. - Export Dpt. - Industriepark De Bruwaan 43 - 9700 Oudenaarde Tel. +32 (0)55/33.98.51 Fax. +32(0)55/31.86.58 |